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Design Recruitment Blog

Decorating With Mirrors

Posted on 30 Nov, 2020

Mirrors show reflections of anything placed in front of them. It is how we can see ourselves when we look in the mirror every morning. But this is not all mirrors can do. They have been used by interior designers for years to create various effects in homes and commercial spaces. Here are some mirror decorating ideas we have found that you can easily use.

More Light

If a room does not have enough natural light, a mirror is the only solution needed. Find a large mirror and place it opposite a window. It will reflect all the light from the window back into the room, making it brighter.

A mirror placed next to a light source will increase the intensity of the light shone in the room.

A Mirror as a Piece of Art Continue reading >

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Using White for Interior Design

Posted on 11 Nov, 2020

Whilst most people may think of white as a blank canvas, those familiar with interior design know it is a fantastic tool to bring out the best of any room. Here in the office we had mixed feelings about how much to use so after carrying out some research and asking around we came up with a few tips on how to get the most out of your whites. What white is right for you?  People often think of white as a simple choice, but with the vast array of whites to choose from, it is anything but. The first key decision is choosing the correct white for the space. Do you want a warmer, or cooler tone to the room? What type of lighting does the room have? Artificial light can make a room appear cooler, whilst natural light makes a room appear warmer.  Cho... Continue reading >

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How Interior Design is Changing

Posted on 29 Sep, 2020

Like any art form, interior design is in a constant state of flux. Practices that were commonplace a few years ago can already appear out-dated. As time moves on, the way we design today will doubtless seem just as old-hat.

Here are five ways that the interior design industry is changing:

Digital design solutions

Advances in technology and the abundance of mobile devices place interior design tools into anybody’s hands. This means that quality interior design will become available to anybody who wants it. While designers themselves will still be in demand, supplying the skills that only come from training and experience, the process will be simplified, streamlined, and cheaper to conduct.... Continue reading >

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The Latest Trends in Home Style

Posted on 12 Aug, 2020

If you’re interested in interior design and its accessories, then it's essential that you keep on top of the most recent trends in the industry. After four months of lockdown, home decorating has played an important part in many people's lives; and as we get well into the second half of 2020, that shows no signs of abating.

So, what are the latest trends that you should be aware of?

Grandmillennial style

It’s a rather dramatic name for a fairly simple concept. Grandmillenial style combines a modern aesthetic with retro elements. At its heart, it’s about taking a modern interior and embellishing it with vintage pieces. These could be carefully curated antiques, reclaimed furniture, or pieces of décor inhe... Continue reading >

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Top Tips for Achieving a Show Home Look

Posted on 01 Jul, 2020

Every one of us has wandered into an immaculately-decorated show home at one time or another and wondered why we can’t achieve that same effect ourselves. From the pristine decoration, to perfectly-matched furniture and eye-catching accessories – it all seems so divorced from reality.

In truth, there’s no reason you can't recreate the effortless elegance of a show home in your own house. At Careers in Design, we deal with hundreds of professional interior designers who know just how to give any property the show home look.

Here are a handful of tips on how to go about it.

Add a little upholstery

Whilst we mostly save upholstery for sitting on, incorporating it into the bedroom or any other room creates a... Continue reading >

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How COVID-19 has Affected Retail Interior Design

Posted on 27 May, 2020

As we start to look forward to the gentle easing of the current restrictions, an important consideration will be the layout of shops and other retail outlets. With social distancing still very much a matter of government policy, members of the design industry must ask themselves: how has COVID-19 affected retail interior design?

Social distancing

We’ve mentioned this already, but as the cornerstone of the government’s plan to mitigate the infection rate of coronavirus, it bears repeating. People are expected to maintain a 2-metre distance from anybody who is not a member of their household. What this means in terms of interior design is significant. Aisles will need to be made wider in some stores, to allow for adequate space between customers. This will ha... Continue reading >

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Interior Design Tips to Bring the Outside in

Posted on 14 May, 2020

With the country on lockdown for the foreseeable future, it has never been more important to find new ways to interact with the outside world.

For interior designers, one of the most effective ways is to bring the outside in. Here are some of the ways to achieve that goal.
Natural prints and colours
Whether you’re dealing with the walls or the floor, there are plenty of coverings that make use of natural colours and prints. From wallpaper embossed with leafy decals to carpets with that authentic woodland hue, there are so many ways to give a room’s surroundings the feel of nature, without even touching on its contents. Using natural materials is one of the top 5 trends for 2020, the o... Continue reading >

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Excellent Interior Design Blogs to Follow

Posted on 09 Mar, 2020

If you’re serious about a career in design, it’s important that you keep on top of the latest trends and fashions, not just in your sector, but across the entire design industry.

To set you on the right path, we’ve put together the following list of six of the finest interior design blogs, that are well worth your time to read.

Mad About the House
This is the official online home of interiors writer and journalist, Kate Watson-Smyth. Her entries are often practical in nature, comparing popular design elements, examining recent trends, and so on. The blog also links to her strong soc... Continue reading >

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How to get your work done when working from home

Posted on 24 Feb, 2020

Working from home can be hugely satisfying, but you really need the right mindset if you hope to make it a regular thing.

Here are some top tips on how to get your work done when working from home. Create a workspace This should be obvious, but you need somewhere to work. It doesn’t have to be fancy – a desk in the corner of your bedroom will suffice, although it's healthier to separate work from bedtime if possible. Just make sure that it’s yours and that you only use it for your work. This means you’ll be in the right frame of mind when you sit at your workspace. Get up and get moving While rolling out of bed and stumbling to your workspace sounds blissfu... Continue reading >

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Current Trends in Homewares and Decor

Posted on 06 Feb, 2020

With all interior, product and furniture designer roles, it’s important to keep on top of current trends. While you want to imbue any project with your own unique style, be aware that your client may be looking for something more current or trend setting. 

Here are some of the upcoming home interior decor trends for 2020 that you should be aware of. Abstract expressionism Bold patterns and striking colours are the order of the day in modern interior design. Playful colour schemes combine with stark geometrics and intricate hand-drawn sketches to create mood and evoke emotion in the observer. Structure and simplicity This interior design... Continue reading >

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