Brighten up with a Lighting Design Job
Posted on 25 Mar, 2020

In light (excuse the pun!) of this awful and worrying situation we find ourselves in, we wanted to write a blog with a cheerier note and give us something to think about whilst we wait for our lives to return to some form of normality.
The clocks move forward on Sunday and the days will be longer but lighting can be one of those things that we take for granted. Though it's what we see by, it tends to go unnoticed or, at the very least, unremarked upon. And yet, it cannot be understated just how important a part lighting plays in our everyday lives and the field of lighting design is an exciting one where you can make a huge impact on your environment.
From bars and restaurants, to galleries and museums; from shop displays and corporate events to the comfort o... Continue reading >
Posted in: Designers