What Is Maximalism And Why Is It So Popular?
Posted on 29 Mar, 2022

Maximalism is an aesthetic of excess – the direct counterpart to minimalism, where rooms are stripped down to the bare essentials. It’s a way to display your treasured possessions for your own pleasure and to impress visitors. Here in the office, we've been discussing which of us would like to introduce this into our homes. This has in turn led to the question of what it actually was and why it's so popular at the moment.
Maximalism in DesignThere is more to maximalism than just putting everything you own into a room. That’s called hoarding and is generally frowned upon. Maximalism is about highlighting the best of the material goods you have in your life. Whilst the examples we have from the past might have been an exercise in enumerating one’... Continue reading >
Posted in: Interior Design