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Design Recruitment Blog

How COVID-19 has Affected Retail Interior Design

Posted on 27 May, 2020

As we start to look forward to the gentle easing of the current restrictions, an important consideration will be the layout of shops and other retail outlets. With social distancing still very much a matter of government policy, members of the design industry must ask themselves: how has COVID-19 affected retail interior design?

Social distancing

We’ve mentioned this already, but as the cornerstone of the government’s plan to mitigate the infection rate of coronavirus, it bears repeating. People are expected to maintain a 2-metre distance from anybody who is not a member of their household. What this means in terms of interior design is significant. Aisles will need to be made wider in some stores, to allow for adequate space between customers. This will ha... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Interior Design Tips to Bring the Outside in

Posted on 14 May, 2020

With the country on lockdown for the foreseeable future, it has never been more important to find new ways to interact with the outside world.

For interior designers, one of the most effective ways is to bring the outside in. Here are some of the ways to achieve that goal.
Natural prints and colours
Whether you’re dealing with the walls or the floor, there are plenty of coverings that make use of natural colours and prints. From wallpaper embossed with leafy decals to carpets with that authentic woodland hue, there are so many ways to give a room’s surroundings the feel of nature, without even touching on its contents. Using natural materials is one of the top 5 trends for 2020, the o... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design


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