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Design Recruitment Blog

Spring and Easter Inspired Decorating Ideas

Posted on 12 Apr, 2022

Decorating homes for the season is nothing new. Most of us do it at Christmas, with many also adding macabre touches for Halloween, or hearts and shades of red for Valentine’s Day. Easter gives you another opportunity to mix things up in the home. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, much of the imagery and colours associated with Easter work just as well for a general springtime theme.

These are some simple steps you can take to get your home ready for the spring and Easter season.

Use temporary tattoos to decorate your eggs

Traditionally, eggs were decorated for Easter using watercolour paints, but you might not have the time, patience or skill to try that yourself. Not to worry – temporary tattoos let you do the same job with a fraction of th... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

What Is Maximalism And Why Is It So Popular?

Posted on 29 Mar, 2022

Maximalism is an aesthetic of excess – the direct counterpart to minimalism, where rooms are stripped down to the bare essentials. It’s a way to display your treasured possessions for your own pleasure and to impress visitors. Here in the office, we've been discussing which of us would like to introduce this into our homes. This has in turn led to the question of what it actually was and why it's so popular at the moment.

Maximalism in Design

There is more to maximalism than just putting everything you own into a room. That’s called hoarding and is generally frowned upon. Maximalism is about highlighting the best of the material goods you have in your life. Whilst the examples we have from the past might have been an exercise in enumerating one’... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

How to respond to Counteroffers when handing in your Notice

Posted on 15 Mar, 2022

Here at Careers in Design, we are all about finding the right job for the right individual. Of course, accepting your new job means leaving your old one. Usually this is a straightforward affair. You submit your formal resignation letter, work however many weeks’ notice are required by your contract, complete an exit interview with your line manager, and walk out the door with no hard feelings.

On occasion, however, your manager (or their manager, depending on the corporate structure at your current job) may make a counteroffer to the one you have on the table in an effort to entice you to stay. This might involve more money, more benefits, promotion to a more prominent role in the company, or a combination of the three.

Should I accept the counteroffer?

... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting

What Can Companies be Doing to Promote Self-Care in the Workplace?

Posted on 24 Feb, 2022

If the last two years of living with a global pandemic have taught us nothing else, they have demonstrated the importance of self-care, both at home and in the workplace. While working from home both during and after lockdown, many of us took the time to look after our mental health and well-being, as well as performing our work duties in trying circumstances.   Now that many of us are back in the office, self-care has become no less important. In this article we take a look at some simple ways companies can promote self-care among their staff.   Turn self-care into a habit
Encourage your team to make time for their own self-care every day. If they need to take a couple of minutes for themselves &... Continue reading >

Posted in: News

What exactly is an FF&E Designer?

Posted on 15 Feb, 2022

FF&E is one of those acronyms that crops up a lot in the world of interior design and it’s one that you’re expected to understand if you’re part of the industry. Taken at face value, FF&E stands for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment – but what exactly does that entail?

For those of you who'd like a better understanding of this particular role, we thought we'd take a look at some of the responsibilities an FF&E Designer is likely to have.

Anything that’s not nailed down

This is as good a description of FF&E as anything, as it refers to all non-architectural aspects of the design process. Depending on the project itself, this could be anything from bedframes, headboards, mirrors and lighting for a bedroom, through to d... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

What Is Biophilic Design?

Posted on 27 Jan, 2022

In our recent blog on bathroom design trends for 2022, we mentioned the concept of biophilic design and how it is set to play a major role in interior design jobs over the years to come. But what exactly is biophilic design, and why is it so important?

What is Biophilic Design?

Biophilia is a Latin term that that means ‘a love for nature’. Its underlying principles are easy to follow – namely that humans are happier when they have access to nature – and the field of biophilic design has sprung up around that principle. It involves getting people in touch with the natural world, either directly or indirectly.

Key Features of Biophilic Design?

When you de... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Bathroom Trends for 2022

Posted on 17 Jan, 2022

The beginning of a new year often heralds new renovation projects in the home with certain rooms always a popular choice – notably bathrooms and kitchens. With this in mind, we thought that we'd do a little research into bathroom industry trends as we head into 2022.

Plenty of Plants

If there’s one word that can define the direction bathrooms are going, it's biophilic. In essence, that means a love of plants which, from a design perspective, means bringing the natural world inside. With so many of us working from home since the pandemic, the urge to get in touch with nature has never been more pressing. Introducing hanging plants (macrame has made a return), tubs of pampas grass and easy-to-maintain succulents are ways of doing just that.

Spa-Like ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Fireplace and Fire Surround Trends in the Home

Posted on 21 Dec, 2021

There’s a reason the term ‘hearth and home’ is such a well-recognised part of the English vernacular. For centuries, the fireplace has been considered the heart of the British home. Even with the widespread adoption of central heating, many homes incorporate a gas, electric or solid-fuel fireplace, even if it's used more for decoration than heating the property itself.

Interior Designers often use a fireplace as the focal point of a living room or lounge but what look and style is best? Like all aspects of design, this key component goes through several trends and fashions, so we had a little look at some of the ways you’re likely to see fireplaces and fire surrounds utilised as we head into 2022.

Marble Mantlepieces

Perhaps not a new tr... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Interior Design Predictions for 2022

Posted on 08 Dec, 2021

Whilst certain trends from 2021, such as sustainable, reconditioned and recycled materials are likely to remain popular in the New Year, the interior design industry will always continue to introduce new ideas and fashions.

These are just some of the interior design trends we are expecting to see in 2022.

Retro Colours

2022 looks like being a year for seventies throwbacks in interior design. Popular colours that trademarked the decade, like burnt orange and moss green will see a resurgence, lending a warmth and brightness to your project, without overwhelming more natural and muted shades.

Retro Furniture

Of course it won’t just be colours that we’ll be borrowing from the seventies – retro furniture and décor will also... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design

Christmas Interior Design Trends

Posted on 23 Nov, 2021

Yes it's nearly Christmas! As the old song says, it’s the most wonderful time of the year – and that’s certainly true for creatives. Christmas provides you with the opportunity to try new ideas that would seem out of place at any other point in the calendar. A creative Yuletide design job – whether for a private customer or a commercial client – can also look great in your portfolio, being an effective calling card for other Christmas or themed design roles in the future.

Here at Careers in Design we love to keep an eye on festive trends and see what wonderful creations are made. With that in mind, we have had a little look at some of the hottest Christmas trends for 2021.

Nurturing Nature

Botanical themes will feature in a lot of ... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interior Design


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